I want to share my story with you and why I love Boudoir Photography so much. I've always had a passion for photography since I was a child. In 2005, I got married and was starting my family. I've always thought of myself as a strong woman. I can't say I ever felt confident even though I have a strong personality.
In October 2009, I found myself heartbroken and worried with what my life will bring having three very small children and a stay at home mom. My girls were ages 3, 1-1/2, and 6 weeks old. I was terrified, scared, and found myself with no confidence or self esteem. I didn't find myself attractive even though daily people tell me how beautiful I am. I just didn't feel it.
I started asking myself some really tough questions. I found myself weak and no longer confident in who I was. I didn't know who I was at all except a stay at home mom. I felt defeated. I had recently met a new girlfriend. She wouldn't hug me or hold my hand but told me what I needed to hear. She told me "You are your problem Heather but you are your solution". Big words from a girl that doesn't really know me. (Thank you Desiree) She only saw how I allowed a man to define who I was. I started breaking away from the weak girl I became (slowly). I decided to start making a plan for myself. I knew I was the only one who could change the situation at hand because fear was no longer going to live inside me. I started going online and trying to learn as much as I could about photography. I would take pictures of family and friends just to practice. I would go to seminars and classes and I began to see a different side of me and NOT just the stay at home mom who can keep a really clean house. For the next couple years, I did all things photography and in my world everyone asks what do you specialize in. Well, I had no clue. I just knew I loved being behind the camera.
One day a friend of mine asked if I could take some "fun" pictures of her for her husband. I thought ok…that's a little weird but we are close so no big deal. We hired someone to do her hair and make-up. This friend of mine is a lot like me. She's beautiful and gorgeous but suffers from low self-worth. It was almost like she transformed into a different person when she got her hair and make-up done. She felt beautiful. You could see a spark in her because she felt good about herself. We did the "Boudoir Session" and I felt energized watching her feel confident about herself. I wanted to feel that. I hate having such low self-worth of myself. And for the few hours we did the session she gave that to me just by seeing how it changed her self esteem.
I realized this was my passion. (Let me be clear….No its not about taking pictures of woman in a sexy way but rather helping build their self-worth)
In 2012, I had two photographer friends that to this day, I look up too and value everything they teach me (Thank you Maria and Cindy). They made me get in front of the camera instead of hiding behind it. I experienced the excited of feeling pretty and confident. I loved getting my hair and make-up done. I was so excited to see the pictures I probably bugged the heck out of them. The whole day I didn't want my hair to mess up because I felt good about myself. I didn't feel good about me….and that's hard when you are a strong woman. Now let me be clear again. I'm still the happy loving girl…just didn't feel like I was good enough or felt pretty. (If that makes any sense)
As I fast forward from 2009 to 2014, I'm now a single mom of three most precious girls. (now 8, 6, and 4) and I'm never going to let a man define who i am….but me! I control my self-worth and I'm worthy of it.
My goal in Boudoir Photography is to help you feel something you may have lost or don't feel. I want to give you your sexy back. I want you to walk away "feeling" like you are the most beautiful woman in the world.
Don't do it for your husband or someone special. DO IT FOR YOU!!! It's just an added bonus that they get to experience it with you.
Thanks for reading!! (those who know me…ya'll know I can't read, write, or spell) so you'll just have to love me as I am.